Tuesday, January 27, 2004

So after being here exactly four weeks, my brother has returned to WARM California. So while it's kind of nice having my apartment back (it really is a little too small for two people to live confortably, unless they're a live-in couple or something), it is a little sad returning to an empty apartment. If nothing else, Bryan at least added a little extra body heat, helping to warm my apartment a degree or two. =P And it's probably a good thing he left when he did. Everyone around me is now officially deathly ill and he may have saved himself some nose-running, head-aching, stomach-contents-emptying pain. Hopefully, I will be lucky and avoid all of the germs that are running rampant through Japan right now. Knock on wood...

Anyway, hope you had fun, Ssagee, and if you tell me that you didn't, I will personally fly back to Cali and kick your ass!

Monday, January 26, 2004

the word: Q U I X O T I C

Congratulations Eva! I wish you were one of my students!

Friday, January 23, 2004

There is a T!! And I'll give the man hands and feet, so you've got a few guesses to go!

the word so far: _ _ I _ O T I _

letters guessed: E R S N A


Tuesday, January 20, 2004

the word so far: _ _ I _ O _ I _

letters guessed: E R

and the internet is a breeding ground for stupidity. here's a sample:
ToastyX :b
Powerlord Hey toasty, what is the ascii code for the upside down P?

Monday, January 19, 2004

I have been playing hangman with my students all last week and in light of that, I just had a really fun (or really stupid, depending on the willingness of you, my readers, to comment on my blog) idea. Virtual hangman! I am thinking of a word 8 letters long. Tell me your guesses and in a couple of days, I will post your progress.

the word so far: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Friday, January 16, 2004

Unknowingly, unintentionally, I invest so much time and thought into seemingly insignificant potential happenings that when something goes wrong, disappointment comes far too easily. One would think that I would have learned from my previous mistakes, that I would know better than to get in too deeply or to want something too much.

But then what's life anyway? A roller coaster ride of ups and downs, of disappointment and fullfillment. Because if we never aim high or if we always lose faith, there would never be the complementary high, the achievement of a seemingly unobtainable goal, the scaling of an insurmountable obstacle. One should never expect good returns from a risk-free investment.

As they say, what goes up must come down. But likewise, what hits rock bottom can only move up from there. We should never be afraid of letting ourselves down or of being hurt because we are all capable of picking ourselves up and moving on.

Monday, January 12, 2004

For the first time in a while, I feel very optimistic. Despite the cold weather, things have been going well here and I'm beginning to think that life in Japan is actually good for me. So far, I have seen JET as an escape, a break from real life. In and of itself, that outlook isn't necessarily bad. But the idea that Japan is merely a hiatus from the rest of my life has been the main obstruction in my decision to recontract with JET. If it's just a break, then I shouldn't waste more time. And that kind of thinking was driving me nuts. If this is all a waste of time, then what's the rest of my life supposed to be like?

But life here is NOT a waste of time. It's not just a break from real life. This IS my life and I am glad that I'm here. I realize now just how much I've changed in the last few months. I'm not a different person. It's not like you won't recognize me if you see me now. I'm still the Grace you all know. I think that I've become more open-minded. I've changed my outlook on life and my priorities. I'm learning to do what I want rather than what I should. I'm beginning to understand that it's OK to enjoy life.

It's not like I've let myself go or anything. I like to think that I've let myself out. Out to see the world. Out to meet new people. Out to experience things in life that I never would have dreamed of doing 6 months ago. I realize that it's perfectly acceptable to take some time off to sit back and enjoy myself and for now, I'm happy. I have a life here and that's more than enough justification to stay in Japan. With that and a clear conscience, I have decided to recontract. So barring any horrible unforseeable misfortunes between now and the deadline for recontracting, I will stay in Japan until August of next year!

Friday, January 02, 2004

Got to Nagoya station and found that there were no more seats on any of the shinkansen trains going to Tokyo today. So I'm leaving tomorrow morning at the crack of dawn instead.

But the good/bad thing is that I was finally able to watch Matrix Revolutions. Good that I finally got to watch it. Bad because I think some of my brain dribbled out of one of my ears. Let me see if I have enough of it still left in my head to recall the plot... and be forewarned, if you haven't seen it yet, skip this entry please. But I can't think of anyone who hasn't seen it yet save for one person. You know who you are and don't tell me that I didn't warn you.

Scene 1: The Hammer

Trinity: Neo, wake up. The world needs you. I NEED you.
The audience: Don't kiss him and make it all better. That's been done. Please please please...
Morpheus: Look for Neo in the matrix. Because I know everything and I'm always right.
Captain of The Hammer: I am an ass and I don't care if you're always right. Do as I say. This is my ship.

Scene 2: The train station

Sati: I am another gifted child from the matrix. Wake up Neo.
Neo: Where am I?
Sati: Don't know for sure, but don't listen to the Trainman
Trainman: Grrrrrr. I make up the rules here. You're out of your jurisdiction, pansy! Muahahahah!

Scene 3: The matrix

The Oracle: Gloria Foster passed away. I'll make up some story trying to explain why I look different from the previous two movies.
The audience: We don't care. Get on with it woman.
Trinity: I am blinded by a poorly developed love story. We need to get Neo. Let's go see Frenchie. Mmmm, I want some chocolate cake.

[Lots of really cool fighting ensues. I love gun battles. Oh wait, Trinity is going to do some seriously cool ass-kicking... no, wait. No, the Wachowski Brothers are just going to recycle her two best moves from the first movie. Weak sauce.]

Frenchie: I have zee perfect accent. I am zee most pompous bastard.
Persephone: Blah blah she's in love blah blah. Look at my boobs.
Trinity: Die Frenchie. Or save my Neo. My life has no meaning without him.

Scene 4: the train station

Neo: I need to get out of here. And just because I said so, there should be a train coming. Oh look, here comes one now! Score, my babe comes with it!

Scene 5: The Matrix

Neo: I need to see The Oracle.
The Oracle: Whatever The Architect said in the last movie, please disregard.
The audience: WHAT??! I spent hours and hours discussing that gibberish with other people who took Reloaded too seriously!!!

Scene 6: Zion

Commander Locke: We are all going to die and it's Morpheus' fault. It's all his fault. You should have all listened to me. Me me me me me me.

[Battle for Zion starts somewhere around here. Now THIS is cool. Ooooh, look at all of the pretty CG sentinels ripping the humans to shreds.]

Scene 7: The Hammer

Naiobi: We need to get back to Zion.
Neo: I need a ship. I'm going to go take on the machines by myself.
Morpheus: I think we should let him go. Just a reminder to everyone. I'm always right about these things.
Captain of The Hammer: Over my dead body.
Naiobi: You can have my ship. I'll pilot The Hammer.
Captain of The Hammer: You're one sexy lady... Sure, you can have my ship!

[Someone dies, not too important. Neo and Trinity get on The Logos and set off. Agent Smith in human form tries to kill Neo, blinding him in the process. But surprise surprise, Neo can still "see" and kills Smith. Trinity swoons, holds his hand, and takes over navigational duties. My god, she's so bland in this movie.]

Scene 8: Zion

[Battle rages on. If only the rest of the movie could be this cool. Sure, it doesn't really add to the plot, but it's just so COOL!]

Scene 9: The Hammer

[Sentinels detect The Hammer.]
Naiobi: I am SO awesome. Bow down to the master.
Captain of The Hammer: I am SO in love! *drool*
Morpheus: She is SO mine. Hands off my once-was-but-is-no-longer girlfriend. We still have some poorly developed sexual tension here.

[The Hammer blasts through gate 3 into Zion, they kill all of the sentinels present and save the day for now.

Scene 10: Zion's Council Chambers

Everyone: Yay for Naiobi!
Commander Locke: Yeah, whatever. Thanks a bunch. We were completely screwed before you came and you bought us time but we're still completely screwed. You suck. I'm a jerk.
Morpheus: Neo will save us. Did I mention that I'm always right about these things?

Scene 11: The Machine City

[Trinity dies, boo hoo. At least Neo didn't save her life this time. gag.]

Uber AI: Who are you? Why are you here?
Neo: I want peace.
Uber AI: Muahaha. Puny mortal.
Neo: I can kill Agent Smith.
Uber AI: Well, alright then.

Scene 12: The Matrix

Smith: I kill you now.
Neo: Just you try.
Smith: Grrrr.
Neo: Grrrr.
The Audience: *yawn*

[They battle. They bend some of the laws of physics, keep others, and break the rest.]

The Audience: These are all of the same moves that we've seen a million times before but completely without style or grace. I'm bored. Die already, Smith.

[Neo gets his ass kicked nearly dies and Smith uploads himself into Neo's body.]

Scene 13: The Machine City

[The machines pump Neo's body full of high voltage human juices. This somehow fries all of the Agent Smiths in The Matrix. Neo dies without having really done anything to solve the problem except for offering his body to the Uber AI, who did the ACTUAL deleting of all of the Smiths.]

Uber AI: Cool. It's over.

Scene 14: Zion

Everyone: Yay! The war is over!
Morpheus: See? I told you so.

Scene 15: The Matrix

The Architect: How long do you think peace will last?
The Oracle: Certainly not forever.
The Architect: Ah, vicious cycle. I'm not out of a job yet. Nor are the Wachowski brothers out of a franchise.


Thursday, January 01, 2004

Happy New Year!
I got to wear a fun kimono (yes, that's baby blue AND pink) and I have found out the key to losing weight. The obi was so tight that I was 1) forced to sit up straight the whole evening and 2) I couldn't eat anything for dinner because there was no room for my stomach to expand. It was hard enough trying to breathe let alone attempting to force food in that too-tight space. I'm now in my PJ's. Breathing is gooooood....

And yes, that is my brother, Bryan. Tomorrow, we head off to Tokyo.