Tuesday, January 27, 2004

So after being here exactly four weeks, my brother has returned to WARM California. So while it's kind of nice having my apartment back (it really is a little too small for two people to live confortably, unless they're a live-in couple or something), it is a little sad returning to an empty apartment. If nothing else, Bryan at least added a little extra body heat, helping to warm my apartment a degree or two. =P And it's probably a good thing he left when he did. Everyone around me is now officially deathly ill and he may have saved himself some nose-running, head-aching, stomach-contents-emptying pain. Hopefully, I will be lucky and avoid all of the germs that are running rampant through Japan right now. Knock on wood...

Anyway, hope you had fun, Ssagee, and if you tell me that you didn't, I will personally fly back to Cali and kick your ass!


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