Wednesday, April 18, 2007


When people talk about gasoline/fuel alternatives, most automatically think of ethanol. While it has it's good points, generating enough ethanol to quench America's gasoline addiction is still a long way off. It is not yet cost effective and there is not nearly enough corn out there to replace the 400 million gallons of gasoline we use daily. To answer to the gas-replacement problem, we could try and utilize multiple types of fuel coming from a variety of sources. Aside from ethanol, another huge potential fuel is biodiesel. It is completely biodegradable. It can be used as is with any diesel engine currently in operation. It can be mixed with petroleum-derived diesel fuel. Too good to be true? So yes, there is a drawback. While it can be made very efficiently in a single step process using any seed oil (rapeseed oil, soybean oil, etc), making said seed oil requires huge amounts of land and resources. The U.S. itself only produces about 6 million gallons of soybean oil annually and while ethat seems like a lot, we use over 600 million gallons of diesel every year. Not even a drop in the bucket.

This has led people to look into alternative food oil sources which can be used to generate biodiesel in a similar manner. One option is to use animal fat/oil. Tyson (the meat packing people most well-known for processing chicken) alone apparently produces 300 million gallons of beef, pork and chicken fat each year. Also, producing one 42-gallon barrel of renewable diesel requires about one barrel of animal fat. Apparently, each barrel requires, on average, two steers, or 16 hogs or 1,300 chickens. Using this info, the vice prez of my company did some quick calculations and came up with this:

If it takes 1,300 chickens to get one barrel of diesel fuel, and one barrel is 42 gallons, that’s 31 chickens to generate one gallon. At around 30 mpg fuel efficiency for most smaller cars, that’s one chicken per mile.

We should switch MPG to MPC.

Also, since BackBlog (my previous comment section provider) seems to have dropped the ball on blog comments, I have decided to turn on Blogger's own commenting system. Hopefully, this will be more reliable.

Thursday, April 05, 2007


I have reached another (this one somewhat humiliating) milestone in my new driving career: the fender bender. And I have reason to be embarrassed. It was completely and totally my fault. Good news is that no one was hurt, my car was left pretty much undamaged (although the left side of my front license plate is now a teensy bit concave), and the other girl's car seems to have sustained very minor damage (ie: a screw-shaped scratch on her already slightly scuffed rear bumper from where the screw holding in my front license plate made contact with her car). Hopefully, she'll just get me a quote and I can write her a check and all will be done (fingers crossed). I feel really bad because I'm sure the last thing she needs is to spend the time to go take her car to the shop, etc . I also feel really lame because the circumstances under which this mishap occured were completely avoidable and for a moment I was just totally not paying attention.

What happened was that traffic was especially bad and I had spent 20 minutes going only like 3 or 4 miles. At one point all four lanes had come to (another) complete stop and I guess I kinda let my guard down. When the lanes on either side of me finally started moving, I took my foot off of the brake pedal without thinking and ended up bumping into the car in front of me. What was also working against me was that just before we had come to that complete stop, I think I had to stop more suddenly than expected, so I was close to the car in front of me and didn't have as much space as I would have usually liked. I guess I got really lucky in that I didn't actually accelerate into her car, and I was literally going 2 mph when I rear-ended her.

All in all, I'm just sort of embarrassed and a little bit peeved at myself for doing something so absent-minded and stupid. This probably/hopefully won't blow up into anything too huge (mostly due to the lack of serious damage to either car), but due to my carelessness, I've put myself in a vulnerable spot. Oh well.