Sunday, May 20, 2007

Bay to Breakers

I had a blonde moment yesterday.

Today was the 96th annual San Francisco Bay to Breakers 12K. Unlike most races, this one is particularly notorious for being a fun free-for-all. More like a crazy parade rather than a 7-mile run through the city. Eva came down yesterday to spend the night since the starting line is conveniently situated on Embarcadero, next to the Bay, and relatively close to where I live. We were looking at the map of the race course last night and I noticed that the race finished right at the coast. I was like "Look, it ends right at the beach. That's so cool!" Eva gives me this weird look and was like, "You just noticed that now? Why do you think they call it 'BAY to BREAKERS'?!" For some reason it had never occured to me until that point that the reason why they call it Bay to Breakers was because they started on the bay side of the city and ran straight across to the Pacific Ocean side.

Anyway, on to the photos.

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Eva and me. (this one's for you, Anju) We're MATCHING!

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For some reason, there were lots of people throwing tortillas. It was a good thing I was wearing a hat. I got smacked in the head a bunch of times.

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They're like ants! Let the race begin!

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Spongebob (in jail??) and Eva.

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Superheroes galore. The Flash and Wolverine decide to participate in the festivities. Surprisingly enough, The Flash did not win the race.

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The Legion of the Kings of Rock n Roll.

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And of course, no gathering of crazy alternative people in San Francisco would be complete without the presence of right wing conservative Bible thumpers. Thank you so much for educating me about my disgustingly sinful lifestyle. I hang my head in shame.

But moving on... Eva and I finished in an hour and 44 minutes... not bad considering we ended up walking most of the first 2 - 3 miles (it was supercrowded). Oh, and we tried counting all of the nekkid people, but lost count at like 30-something. Ah, only in San Francisco!


At 8:39 PM, Blogger Princess Inaka said...

In Vancouver we ride our bikes around naked to protest shit. Naked people on bikes all over the place.

Your hair is so loooong!

At 7:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ack! how come i can't view your photos?! i want to see the nekkid people!

At 9:03 AM, Blogger Grace said...

I didn't take any photos of nekkid people. This blog is rated PG13 for language, mild cartoon violence, and no explicit nudity.

At 9:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are MATCHING! I love it! Btw, can you believe that it has been FOUR years since I made that infamous remark as we all were wearing our senior sweatshirts right before graduation??? Crazy! Anyway, B2B looked like a lot of fun! Did you see the salmon? Or the Sanjaya contingent?

At 12:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sorry I missed you. I can't believe we crossed the finish line at the same time and missed each other. They throw tortillas every year. No idea why. . . . Maybe it's more biodegradable than confetti?

At 10:15 PM, Blogger Eva said...

I love your blonde moments, Grace. They're special because they're pretty rare. I also like the moments when you make completely innocent comments and they come off as sounding dirty (i.e. "mixed nuts). I'm in the process of gathering our Village People group for next year's race. Which one did you call dibs on? The biker?

At 10:41 PM, Blogger shan said...

hmmmm...i never really thought about why it's called "bay to breakers," so, i think i would've made the same comment as you. i'm a little blonde again, btw. my hair is FRIED.


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