Sunday, December 10, 2006

Mini Road Trip

Apologies to all. Blog posts have been few and far between since I finished of my Europe trip entries. Long story short, I'm still looking for permanent work, but in the meantime, I have started temping. More on that to come. But let me get on with the most interesting thing I have done since Thanksgiving weekend. Presenting:

Adventures in the Desert.
The Story of a Mini One-Day Road Trip
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My mom and I packed our day bags and an ice chest full of diet coke and headed southeast, into the more desolate regions of the Southern Californian desert. Away from the artifically green suburban sprawl, away from the palm-tree lined coast. The city of Indio (waaaay out past Palm Springs) was hosting its annual Tamale Festival. It was kitchy, the tamales were good, and the guacamole was excellent.
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Holy guacamole, Batman! Seriously, this stuff was made by a place called "Holy Guacamole" and it was indeed heavenly!
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Since driving 180 miles to eat a couple of tamales seemed a little not worth the trip, we decided to drive out to the Salton Sea as well. Until about 2 months ago, I didn't even know the Salton Sea was actually still full of water. I thought that it was a "sea" by name only and that the scorching desert sun would have evaporated all of the water leaving behind salt plains not unlike what one would see at Death Valley or around Salt Lake City. Boy was I wrong. I believe it's larger than Tahoe and wide enough so that you can't see the land on the other side. It's so weird to see such a large body of water in such a dry hot desert. There were even tons of seagulls, pelicans, and other random oceany animals you don't expect to come across 200 miles inland.
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Our next stop, Algordones Sand Dunes. Another 30 or so miles inland. At this point, we're really close to the California-Arizona border. Let's switch up the scenery yet again. The little tiny spots on top of the largest sand dune on the right are a bunch of people on ATVs.
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Sculpted beautifully by the wind.
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My mom venturing out into the Sahara-like sand.
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All in all, the trip was fun. We logged over 540 miles that day (and I drove half. Woohoo! All very good driving practice). Now I'm gonna need to try and work myself up to 350 or so miles so that the trip from LA to SF won't destroy me!


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