Friday, November 10, 2006

Will Work for Paycheck

After a little over three weeks of sitting on my lazy lazy butt (hey, I needed that "break"), I finally applied for some good old fashioned work. Sent my resume and cover letter to two different labs at Genentech and am in the process of looking for more potential employers. While it feels good to get the ball rolling, I am now also nervous and antsy. What if they never call back? What if I get no interviews? What if I'm just a useless sack of carbon and water that no one wants to hire me??! I know it's a little too early to be worrying about failing, but it's a real concern. Competetion is high and it's not like the job market is full of high-paying, eager-to-hire, super-friendly employers. I guess it's time to bite the bullet and send my resume to like 50 labs and hope that one of them finds me worthy.


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