Gobble Gobble!
Happy Turkey Day, everybody!Hope you're all enjoying the time off work, the food, the food, and oh yeah, the food. This is the first time I've been home for this holiday since 2002, so my mom is going the whole nine yards. Turkey, ham, stuffing, mashed potatoes, yams, and of course, PUMPKIN PIE. I've missed pumpkin pie. Don't recall England having any pumpkin pie. Japan DEFINITELY didn't have it. And I certainly wasn't about to grow my own pumpkin, puree it, and put it in a pie tin. Far too lazy.
I haven't been doing too terribly much since the last post. Still applying for jobs and still practicing driving (I dislike freeways greatly, due to the fact that I don't like doing anything fast. Driving included). I spend my free time just helping around the house. Oh, and trasnferring all of CDR-based data to DVDRs. It's tedious, but incredibly satisfying. Who would have thought that 80 CDs would fit so neatly onto a dozen DVDs?? Fan-freakin'-tastic!
Despite being ever so slightly bored, I must say that I've been in a great mood for the last month or so. This may be why:
It's November and still sunny, clear, and gorgeous. And today was one of the more "overcast" days. For my readers in England, all of that skyish, bluish stuff? It's unclouded sky. Let's zoom in for a close-up:
Just another reason why you should all come visit California.
Today was kinda cold. I put on a long-sleeved shirt for the first time since leaving Manchester. When people in Japan and England asked me if California was warm during the winter, my wussy-California brain would say "Of course! It's freezing in the winter!" Now, after having lived in two truly wintery coutries, I realize that we Southern Californians are spoiled rotten. For crying out loud, November 23rd at it's 70 degrees F (That's 21 Celsius for the Fahrenheit-challanged). Not that I'm complaining though. Mmmmmmm, suntastic!
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