Monday, October 16, 2006

Goodbye Manchester and Hello Cali

My year in Manchester has come to a close and after a very long, very delayed flight (6 hours delayed, in fact), I find myself back in my parents' house in Santa Clarita. While it's nice to be back home, I am going to miss Manchester a whole lot. To the Victoria Park massive, to my fellow MRessers: thanks for the fun times, debaucherous evenings, Smith building coffee breaks, and general craziness. You guys are the best!

And without further ado, you all get a series of photo entries to recap the last one and a half months or so, starting with Manchester Pride.

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Pink, pink everywhere!

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Festively dressed for the parade.

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Surprisingly enough, Manchester has a line dancing club.

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Does anybody know to whom these lost children belong?

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JP and Chris having a blast. Well, JP seems excited anyway!

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Joining in the party with my all-too-appropriate rainbow shot.

There are also photos of me dressed in a velcro suit sticking to a velcro wall somewhere, but I'm gonna have to find them. Those should prove to be adequately entertaining and slightly embarrassing, but anything for my faithful readers!

My MRes dissertation was handed in on Friday, September 8th and to celebrate, some of the MRessers and I went out for drinks and mayhem.

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Pai, Vicki, and Vera.

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Vicki, Steph, Vera, and Cristina.

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Simon, Rachel, and Kim.

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Lizz and me. Congrats to Lizz who is off to be married soon. Everyone and their mom is getting married! I guess I'm just that age now where people are starting to pair off. It makes me feel kinda old...

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Funny faces...

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Funny faces part deux.

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And a toast to all of us for finishing up a year's worth of butt-busting hard work. I'm gonna miss you guys!


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