Bosnia and Hercegovina
I hope you guys aren't getting tired of reading these photo-less blog entries. But even if you are, I feel obligated to continue writing these, just in case you're bored or just in case you are actually still interested. I'm gonna have to do a set of photo-based entries after I get back to the States. Don't worry, that isn't long from now, just a couple of weeks.Sarajevo is a surprisingly picturesque city surrounded by really pretty mountains. Despite having recently suffered a terrible war, much of the city has been rebuilt to postcard perfection. Kim and I are in Mostar now, a city that is a little southwest of Sarajevo. The old town of this city may be one of the most beautiful places I have seen... Old white stone buildings and bridges spanning an emerald green river all surrounded by stunning mountains. However, parts of Mostar are still very distubring, as there are still many bombed-out buildings lining the streets. For those of you who haven't ventured over to Bosnia and Hercegovina, I would most certainly recommend it.
Tomorrow, we head to Dubrovnik in Croatia for a little bit of beach and sun before Kim and I go our separate ways. I can't believe this trip is almost over, but I can't say that I won't be happy to sleep in my own bed, shower in my own bathroom, and enjoy a nice fat burrito in sunny California.
And some obsevations from my travels. You know you're in Eastern Europe when:
- There is a Communist museum in every city you visit.
- You have been reduced to using toilet paper that more resembles newsprint paper than quilted extra soft cotton.
- You are given tissue paper for napkins
- The water supply spontaneously cuts out in your hostel and the rest of the neighborhood.
- There are weird little bugs in your hostel and some in your bed.
- Domestic beer is CHEAPER than coke
- A full meal with soup, main course, and a drink costs $3.
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