It's That Time Again
With lab work done, I no longer have any excuse to not start writing up my third report in earnest and compiling all three reports into my masters dissertation. But as always, all I end up doing is putting it off for one more day. And another. And another. Good news: I started writing up my materials and methods section weeks ago (however I never got around to finishing it, surprise surprise) and since I had to give lab meeting last week, most of my results figures are already finished. Bad news: I've been really really lazy this time around about reading research papers so my introduction and discussion sections will be super-hard to write. In the interest of saving time, I've resorted to re-reading the 3 or 4 papers my supervisor gave me at the beginning of my rotation and comparing the references lists of those papers in order to glean the most pertinent papers (I'm guessing that if three un-related labs all mentioned the same paper, then it MUST be really important. Hooray logic, don't fail me now). I don't think it's cheating. I mean, why reinvent the wheel? Also, don't tell me that no other grad student does this. That's why supervisors give us key papers to start with, right? It's way more efficient than just putting "PH domain proteins" in PubMed and getting 108,976 hits.If there is a hell, and there are seven deadly sins, I'm definitely going there on account of sloth. Sooooo lazy.
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