Friday the 13th
I have a little less than 8 weeks left in my MRes course and in that time I need to have finished a million different experiments, write up this project, compile all my project write-ups into one uber-dissertation, have one last dentist check up (while I'm still covered by the NHS), one last eye exam (again, while still NHS-subsidized), find a part-time job which will help me to pay for my trip to Eastern Europe, plan my trip to Eastern Europe, pack my bags and move out, and try not to have a nervous breakdown. Actually, I'm being melodramatic. Having had to make three international moves in as many years, I've become good at the whole packing/organizing thing. As for my coursework, I plan on starting to write up my current project sometime this week so that I will have PLENTY of time to focus on making all of the nit-picky detailed changes/formatting improvements on my actual dissertation. It's the culmination of 12 months of back-breaking, or rather, brain-breaking, work on my part and I want it to be as perfect as possible. There is, however, one thing that does have me a little worried. I found out earlier this week that I got a distinction on my second write up, so the chance of me getting a distinction in the overall course is a very real possibility. I'm happy, but that also means extra stress for me. Too bad I'm not just plain smart enough to get the higher grades with only a little added effort or apathetic enough to just not care. Oh well. I wouldn't be me without a little over-acheiver-related anxiety.But I ramble. What I wanted to post was the (tentative) date of my return to California. I have a plane ticket booked for returning Friday, October 13. I might change that to the 12th or the 11th depending on how many loose ends I tie up before I take off on my trip around the Europe. But that's the news for now. Oct 13. Mark your calendars!
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