April Showers Bring May Hay Fever
I've been suffereing from my worst bout with hay fever EVER. I was brought up in the desert, where flowers only really bloom for about a week or two, so my body's immune system was totally unprepared for the long-lasting pollen-y goodness of English plants. I haven't had a good night's sleep in over a week because I have to get up twice an hour all night just to blow my nose. I've been taking all kinds of allergy-preventing medications and I can't tell if they're working, because I'm not about to stop taking them to see if my symptoms get worse or not. I have never wanted so badly for it to rain really really hard so that all of those seeds and pollen grains get washed down the drain and into the sea, rather than into my eyes and up my nose.I'll make a real update when I've had some sleep. Precious sleeeeeeeeep.
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