Sorry for the lack of posts as of late. I really don't have anything cool/important/exciting to report. I have started my third and final rotation in which I will be characterizing a novel human protein which may bind/interact with Golgi membrane proteins. Should be a cool project because they found it during the whole sequencing-the-human-genome thing and it is a completely new protein, the actual existence of which has yet to be confirmed and whose function is currently unknown. Right now, though, it's hard to get too excited about it, since I'm stuck in the cloning steps and I'm just trying to get the gene into its appropriate vector and I'm having mixed success rates. Booooo, sometimes biology is frustrating and slow.
But on a good note, the weather has finally turned permanently warm. Nearly 70 degrees on a regular basis! I could get used to this...
Oh, and I came across this during some down-time at work. You can now buy Silly Putty by the pound or choose from 5 pound lumps in different colors, just in case you wanted to copy the entire funny pages section in your local newspaper instead of just settling for one comic strip. For some people, the little blobs that come out of their classic egg containers is not enough.
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