Thursday, March 23, 2006

I have only one week left in my rotation.
I still have to finish 90% of my write-up.
I have data from 7 real-time PCR plates to analyze.
I still have lots of last minute experiments to do in lab.
My parents will come to the UK in 9 days to stay for two weeks.

And what am I doing in the meantime? Procrastinating of course.

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As the semester progresses, work load inevitably increases. Interestingly, motivation appears to have an inverse relationship with work load. Coupled with the tendency for procrastinative inclination to rise (procrastination is directly correlated with work load, and while correlation does not always indicate causation, I'm going to go out on a limb and say that in this case, it does) this spells disaster for me. I NEED to do some work, but for some reason, all I want to do is make stupid graphs in Excel and update my blog.


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