Tuesday, March 28, 2006

I hate my computer. It is the bane of my existence. It is the most unreliable piece of hardware that I own. Then why is it, that I depend on it so much? That I feel as though I can't live without it?

Yesterday, for no reason at all, my computer suddenly started asking for a password before it would let me log onto Windows. This would be fine and dandy, except that I HAVE NO PASSWORD. I have never set one. And because I have no password, nothing that I typed worked and after like 5 attempts, my computer would just freeze and I had no choice but to manually turn it off. This led to 2 attempts at repairing Windows using the HP operating system CD that came with my computer (which I found out has a missing/corrupted file. Thank you HP, for selling me a defective computer AND a defective operating system disk) and 1 attempt at completely reinstalling Windows. I love spending my free time trying to make my computer work.

On a happier note, my parents arrive on Saturday and for two weeks, we will be travelling around the UK and going to Paris. In the meantime, will try to be as productive as possible...


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