Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Grace's tooth: Part II

Last month I blogged about having a tooth infection that left me in crippling pain for about 3 days. I was put on antiobiotics which made the pain go away but didn't actually fix the problem. I went in today (after four weeks of stressful waiting) for the actual root canal treatment and thankfully, it went without a hitch. I've decided that aside from my childhood dentist/orthodontist, the evil Dr. Lee (not related to me), most dentists are actually very nice and try their best to put their patients' minds at ease. Mine talked me through every step of the way, which was nice because I like to know EXACTLY what is being done to me.

I also noticed that all dentist and dental assistants tend to have nice teeth. Case in point: after I was finished, my dentist told me that it shouldn't hurt much anymore, but he didn't actually know that from first hand experience because he's never had a root canal, much less a filling. Neither had his assistant. I think this is because if you were someone like me and had crappy teeth and every other visit to the dentist meant bad news, then you'd develop a dislike for your dentist (even if s/he is very nice) and a fear of all things tooth-related. I would never ever want to become a dentist, because aside from spiders and grasshoppers, a trip to the dentist is my worst nightmare. And who would want to spend everyday working in a nightmarish hell?

My biggest practical fear in life is losing my teeth and on a fairly regular basis, I have dreams about getting all of my teeth knocked out. My mother has assured me that I have no need to worry because by the time I will need a new set of teeth, medical technology will have advanced enough so that I can get tooth implants at a relatively low cost and those teeth will never rot out of my skull. Hey, what's to be ashamed of? Some people get breast implants and botox injections, and I'll get shiny new teeth.

Hmmm, the novacaine is wearing off and now I have this weird taste in my mouth. Probably all of those fun toxic chemicals they were using on me...

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Flavor: Strawberry Fraise
Country of origin: Canada, eh?
Flav-o-meter (Scale of 1-10, with regular chocolate KitKats being 5): 4
Comments: It was OK. Not great, but not overly weird or artifical either. JP gave it a 7 (I believe), since he thought it was better than a regular KitKat.

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Flavor: Mint Chill
Country of origin: Australia
Flav-o-meter (Scale of 1-10, with regular chocolate KitKats being 5): 7 or 8
Comments: Very very yummy. But then again, I'm biased because I like nearly all mint (peppermint, not spearmint. ew.) flavored things. JP didn't like it nearly as much and gave it a 4.

Don't worry, I'm brushing my teeth after all chocolate consumption so that I can help prevent cavities. Three cheers for Listerine!


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