Friday, December 30, 2005

I hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday season. Christmas in Wales was good; I was very well-fed to say the least and the Wilsons didn't let me come back to Manchester without armloads of chocolate. I'd better eat that all fast, before the new year starts, so that I can make an attempt at sticking to my resolutions (I predict that my resolve will last one week, two at the most). Pictures to follow...

But first, I must address a certain topic. Do you know Grace Lee? Well, I do (by default), seeing as how I am one. There is a film maker named Grace Lee who has dedicated a couple of years to making a documentary about what it means to be Grace Lee. I've known about it for a while, and I even filled out the survey and submitted some photos, but unfortunately, I missed all of the California screenings because I was in Japan. Interestingly enough, it hasn't been until the last couple of weeks that several unrelated people have all asked me if I had heard about the film or seen the movie poster, etc etc. People I knew in Japan who are now living in the NY area have apparently watched the recent showing and emailed me cuz they saw my photo in the movie. Weird.

Anyway, here is a poster advertising the flick and guess what? I'm in it. It's like Where's Waldo but with a bunch of Grace Lees. Can YOU find me?

Some interesting Grace Lee related facts:
61% of us are Korean.
50% of us are currently in our 20s.
49% of us have had over 5 years of piano lessons.
58% of us know other Grace Lees.
42% of us have been mistaken for a different Grace Lee.

And I fit into every one of those above groups. Apparently, I am a very typical Grace Lee.


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