ali: oh god, you're replacing me!
ali: i knew it was gonna happen
grace: you have nothing to worry about
grace: you will ALWAYS be #1
ali: . . .its gonna start out like that
ali: your casual transformers buddy
ali: . . ."we just watch a couple episodes a week together"
ali: before you know it, its everyday
ali: . . you'll go to conventions with him
ali: how could you!!!!!
grace: actually, i haven't watched transformers with him
ali: okay
grace: i will only watch with you
grace: when i get back
ali: thank you
ali: be good
ali: you know how i worry
grace: i know
grace: i'll be good
ali: don't cheat on me
ali: with transformers dude
grace: i won't
grace: i promise
grace: absolutely no transformers
ali: sweet!
ali: aite late
grace: later
If you guys don't already know, I have met someone in my dorm who shares my love for cartoons and bio. Ali, you know I wouldn't go to SD Comic-Con with anyone else! Now that I've shared my promise to Ali with all of you, you all need to help keep me accountable! hehe. Not like you have anything to worry about; I tend to keep promises that I make.
I've been working in a lab for the last couple of days now and there is a post-doc with whom I share a lab bench who is from Orange County but has lived in the UK for the last 7 years or so. It's so funny because sometimes, he sounds so totally Californian and at other times, completely British. It took me a while to figure out that he was actually from the States. I hope I don't come home with a psuedo-British accent. That would just be way weird.
Currently Playing: Descendents - Silly Girl
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