Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Two posts in one day? What did you do to deserve such a treat? Nothing, I just love you all enough to keep you entertained.

In actuality, I finally have stuff to do and papers to read, so naturally I'll find every excuse to procrastinate. Ah, the life of a student. It's good to be back (?).

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The University of Manchester. Look, I go to school in a castle! Well, not really. Most of my time will be spent in a building not unlike Koshland or VLSB, but hey, it's what I signed up for.

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So much greenery! So different from the brown of Cali.

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No city would be complete without a stunning view of smokestacks and construction. I was expecting the worst before I came because everyone was telling me how gray and ugly the city was, but seriously, this is the only smokestack I've seen in the city. Not bad for a city that was supposed to have been born during the industrial revolution.

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Upper Brook Street, near my dorm.

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Daisy Bank Road, also near my dorm. The houses are cute, but mostly, I like the yellow car in the foreground.

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My dorm. I live in Opal Gardens (you can apparently google map it and zoom in on it). There's a nice little frog pond in the courtyard, too.

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Two of my three roomies. Judy from China and Daisy from Taiwan. My roommate from the dorms in freshman year was also named Daisy. My first (and only dog) was named Daisy too. And it's also my favorite flower... the list goes on and on. Strange coincidence.

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My room/cubicle/workspace.


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