Friday, September 16, 2005

Long story short: Stuff came up, changed my flight to the UK, long-ongoing crisis regarding banking in England, etc etc and now I am sitting in an internet cafe in Manchester, wishing I had a Starbucks mocha frapuccino and a friendly shoulder to cry on (strangely, Starbucks are kinda hard to come by in this city. I've only seen two and they were both a three-mile walk from here).

I arrived about 36 hours ago and I've spent about half of those hours sleeping and the other half running between CitibankUK, Lloyds TSB, the accomodation office, the life sciences office, the student services office, and foreign students office, and my dorm... all in efforts to procure the necessary documents for opening a UK bank account. The conclusion: I can't open an account until I register and I can't register until I have a bank account. And even if I did manage to open an account, it wouldn't be official for two weeks and registration is on Monday. I have ALL OF THIS MONEY and no one wants to take it. God help me.

I am living out of a shoddy little hotel where hot water comes out of my sink, but not out of my shower. I was told that under no circumstances, could I move into my dorm, but at the airport yesterday, I met three girls who said they were moving into my exact dorm right away. It's anti-American week, folks!

On the bright side, Manchester is NOT an ugly city, contrary to the opinions of nearly every British person I talked to in the last two months. The campus is actually quite pretty. The dorms look nice (although, I haven't really been allowed inside of one) from the outside, there are lots of cool-looking restaurants and cafes, and downtown Manchester looks pretty fun. Oh, and it was also sunny today!

That's pretty much all that I have at the moment. Things are going not as planned, but hopefully, this will turn into one of those things you look back on and laugh. Or, I might get deported for having no legitimate reason to stay here if registration doesn't go well.

Currently reading: Time Magazine
Currently playing: the music of the person sitting in the cubicle next to me


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