I totally intended to have photos of Manchester up by now, but I don't. However, this will not be a complete and utter disappointment of an entry, as I do have a few photos to post. This summer, I ended up cleaning out my room from top to bottom (parents might move to a new house while I'm gone, yadda yadda) and in doing so, I came across a few mementos from days gone by. So, in sort-of chronological order:
I was absolutely obsessed with trolls (when was this, late elementary school?) and I must have owned about 20 or something like that. Yes, I made my mother crochet some clothes for them. I'm such a spoiled brat.
Weepuls! I don't know how many of you did magazine drives as fundraisers (Arroyo Seco anyone?), but they gave these out as prizes for selling lots of magazines. My favorite one is the orange guy with the blue arms and legs whose tag says "I'm a winner!" Motivational tactics at their best.
I also had a passion for buying action figures. Back before the X-Files got lame (seasons 7 - 9, I believe), I bought these limited edition movie versions and I even kept them in the box because they might be worth something someday. But alas, the series died a long sputtering death and now on eBay, they don't sell for more than a couple bucks per pair. Oh well, can't win 'em all.
The white and pink corsage is from Prom '99 and the blue one is from Winter Formal earlier in the same school year.
Now this one is a mystery. It's kind of a big rock (twice the size of my fist, in fact) and it was important enough so that I kept it. I can't remember for the life of me what the hell happened on January 18, 1999. I'm such a packrat.
Meet Ben G, which is short for Ben Gay, because a big purple velvet frog MUST be gay.
And then theres my rock collection, the 40+ souvenir spoons from various U.S. national parks, 8 years worth of neatly labeled and categorized file folders for nearly every class I ever took as a high school and college student, and three shoeboxes filled with letters and valentines dating back to early elementary school days. Yes I have a problem.
I decided to take some photos of Manchester today. The weather has been beautiful and sunny, but today it's finally cloudy and rainy. Oh well, the clouds will add a touch of authenticity. I don't know if Manchester was meant to be viewed in full sunlight.
Currently Reading: Lots of research papers
Currently Playing: Cherry Cordial - The Mimsies
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