Wednesday, July 06, 2005

I have succeeded in shooting myself in the foot. Last month, I arranged for my internet to be cut at the end of June and now I find myself gazing longingly at my monitor, trying to think of something to do to pass the time. I thought that I'd be able to use my internet-free three weeks to get on the ball and clean my apartment, study some genetics, fill out various tax-forms, get to bed earlier, etc etc but so far, I haven't done much more than wish to God that I hadn't done such a foolish thing as cut myself off from the rest of the world.

All is not lost, however. I have spent some of my new-found free time in a very Grace-esque anal manner by writing myself lots and lots of to-do and to-pack lists. I have filled nearly half a notebook outlining what I should do without actually having done any of it. I probably won't pack until the night before, or clean until the day before, or have my goodbye party until the weekend before I leave. But I have neatly organized lists, and it helps to alleviate some of the stress.

On a side note, I have figured out why my students don't think I'm pretty. I have cracked the code. For no good reason, I decided to dress nicely last week and put on a little bit of make up before going to class. The response was overwhelmingly positive.

"Grace-sensei, you became pretty!"
"Grace-sensei, you look nice!"
"Grace-sensei, you don't look like shit today"

And just as I was starting to feel good about myself, I overhear this conversation while eavsdropping on the office workers discussing my successor's JET application photo:

"It'll be nice to have a pretty ALT in the office!"

In their defense, I probably shouldn't have been listening.

Currently Reading: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer - Mark Twain
Currently Playing: Holiday - Green Day


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