Sunday, June 05, 2005

Some of the "bad" students at Yowa Jr. High School decided late last week that it would be really funny to try and thrash my poor, already-thrashed bicycle. It's fairly obvious which bike is mine, as it is the only red one. Anyway, at the end of the day last Friday, when I went to the bike parking lot, I found that three boys had knocked over my bike and was kicking it. They saw me and ran. Classic.

Anyway, my bike came out relatively unscathed, aside from the front basket which is no longer rectangular but now a slighly lopsided parallelogram. I don't mind, as the basket still functions and I can carry a bag of groceries in it.

What was really fortuitous was that my kickstand (which was broken from my car accident in October) has now been kicked back into working order by the Bad Boys of Yowa. I should thank them the next time I see them.

Currently Playing: Bicycle Race - Queen


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