Tuesday, May 10, 2005

I've been back for a couple of days now and work has been hectic (I'll save you from listening to my complaints; suffice it to say that I'm surrounded by seriously disorganized people) but I'll get on with what you've been waiting for. I bring you the first installment in my "Vacation Photos To Make You All Jealous" series:

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Inflatable airplane pillows are HOT.

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When I think of HCMC, I think of communism and motorcycles and vaguely French architecture.

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Lunch while touring the Mekong River Delta. Elephant-eared fish. Straight from the murky brown waters of the Mekong. Mmmmmmm.

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Tasty, isn't it? Shannon and Jenni making a meal of the previous photo.

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So, this is what pineapple trees/bushes/cacti look like! I've been to the Dole plantation in Hawaii, but for some reason, I think this one looks totally different. I can't remember.

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An open-air market near the Mekong Delta. Yes, that woman is selling frogs. They are tied into bundles of 6 frogs, or a dozen legs. I felt compelled to buy them all and then release them, but then I figured that they'd only be caught again or trampled. Poor frogs.

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This is Mr. Binh, our tour guide at the Cu Chi Tunnels. He was an officer for the American army and he was absolutely NUTS. Had the crazy Vietnam War vet gleam in his eyes and everything. According to him, Americans didn't win the war because we have "fat asses" and Vietnamese people have "small asses." At first I was skeptical, but we had a chance to crawl through some of the tunnels that the VietCong used during the war, and I realized just how much more maneuverable a "small ass" would be.

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Me in the tunnel. This is the wide part, too. At its narrowest point, I had to crawl through practically on my stomach. To think that the VC actually LIVED underground in these things!

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Shannon and a local. They use fobby fingers, too! I'm not sure if this is a generic Asian thing, or if the locals just do it to humor the Japanese tourists.

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Jenni and I opt for the thumbs up thing. Needed to give my index and middle fingers a break.

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Jenni and Shannon on cyclos. There's probably no better way to attempt suicide then to get a ride in one of these things. Super-fun, though.

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Disco Buddha. The Vietnamese really like neon lights and strings of blinking Christmas lights. The mausoleum in this temple was totally decked out like it was the holidays.

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Time for bed. Still kind of jet-lagged and whatnot. Tomorrow: Nha Trang photos.


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