Thursday, May 26, 2005

First order of business. As some of you know, I was accepted by Imperial College in London a couple of weeks ago and as nearly all of you know, I had already accepted the offer of admissions from Manchester University in March, thinking that Imperial College had lost my application or it never got there or something. I spent the last two weeks pulling out my hair trying to decide between a school that REALLY wanted me and a school that had ignored my emails but is nevertheless the #1 school in the UK for biochemistry. Be a big fish in a small pond or be a small fish in a big pond? After much careful thought and a lot of “listen to your gut instinct” pep talks from family and friends, I have decided to stick with Manchester. I just mailed my “no thanks” letter to Imperial this morning. Deep breath…

Second order of business. This doesn’t really affect me all that much, but it’s unquestionably important to someone close to me. Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith came out last week and Bryan’s long wait is finally over. He still hasn’t updated his blog, which leaves me to believe that he is recovering from 7 weeks worth of little or no sleep. Congrats to you for being the #1 fan in the States, Bryan. You are one crazy bastard. For those of you who are (even remotely) curious about what he’s been up to these last few weeks, MTV has given Bryan a blog to document his line-waiting experience. The video is kind of cute, too.

Third order of business. The last installment of vacation photos from Vietnam. Here they are:

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Jenni and Shannon snorkeling.

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Our scuba instructor. I don't remember her name at the moment, but she was Japanese and from Kyoto.

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Ditto. All of these photos turned out really blue. I promise that the coral was more colorful in real life.

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Jenni "smiles" for the camera.

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A big squishy magenta sea anemone.

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Shannon (left) on her first dive ever.

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It looked almost (not quite) like Finding Nemo.


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