Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Someone asked me the other day, whether or not I like the person I've become while living in Japan.

Right away, my gut told me to say NO. Japan has made me more cynical. I'm definitely more bitter. I've lost one of my best virtues: patience. I'm less tolerant of people. I've become quick to judge and long to hold a grudge. I've lost a lot of self-confidence regarding my physical appearance. I am now paranoid that everyone is staring at me, wondering about the foreignness, the fatness, the strangely out-of-placeness that I must be exuding even thought to them, I appear to be Japanese.

But on second thought, it's not all bad, either. I've realized that I'm more open-minded than I originally thought myself to be. I've found my adventurous side. I know that I'd rather be smart than skinny, strong than meek, and despite the tedium of this particular job, I know that I still want to teach (just not English).

I'm definitely different from the person that stepped onto that Northwest flight out of SFO nearly two years ago, but fortunately, I don't think I've necessarily changed for the worse. However, I still need a vacation and luckily, I'm going to Vietnam tomorrow. I'll be back on May 7th, armed to the teeth with photos. You have been warned.

Currently Playing: Rocket Man - Red Elvises
Still Reading: The God Of Small Things - Arundhati Roy


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