Monday, April 04, 2005

I never thought of myself as someone who gets affected by caffeine. Never in my life had I suffered from coffee-induced insomnia nor had I ever taken caffeine pills to help keep me awake for mad final exam study sessions. There was no point. In retrospect, I think my body was probably desensitized to the jitters because I love to drink Coke and I bet that my bloodstream was saturated with it 24/7.

In order to embrace healthier eating, I decided sometime back in February that I was going to give up Coke in all of its empty-calorie sweetness. I think I had one 20 oz. bottle back in Akakura, but other than that, I have been wonderfully soda-free for a while. This translates to me completely cutting off my sole caffeine source, since I don't really drink coffee or tea.

Fast foward to Sunday. I met up with Shannon for lunch. I had tea with my sandwich. Then Beth joined us and we went to Starbucks (they finally opened one in Yokkaichi!) and I had a cafe latte. Later, we unexpectedly met up with Jenni and went to an English tea house and I had a whole pot of Chai tea. The tea/coffee binge was unintentional and I didn't realize at the time just how badly it would mess with my poor detoxed brain.

I couldn't fall asleep until well after 3 am.

Something tells me I'm gonna need to watch the caffeine consumption from now on.

Currently Playing: Bucky Done Gun - Arular
Currently Reading: Dogs and Demons - Alex Kerr


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