Thursday, March 17, 2005

Rain vs. Me: Part II

Shannon informed me that it is actually illegal to ride one's bike whilst holding an umbrella (although EVERYONE does it) so out of curiousity, I asked one of the teachers.

JTE: You rode your bike to school with an umbrella?
Me: Yes.
JTE: You should not do that.
Me: But lots of people do it.
JTE: But the students may see you.
Me: And the problem with that is...
JTE: You need to set an example. The other teachers are not allowed to do that.
Me: But the other teachers all have CARS. I don't.
JTE: Yes, but... hmm, difficult. [head tilt to side]
Me: What am I supposed to do then?!
JTE: Hmmm, you cannot ride your bike.

You know what? I don't care what they say. I will ride my bike with or without an umbrella. I will drip water on the floor if I feel like it. Until someone offers be a better solution than "You cannot ride your bike," I will get to school however is most convenient for me. I don't have the time nor the patience for this.

Currently Reading: Sputnik Sweetheart - Haruki Murakami
Currently Playing: Stomach gurgling. It's lunchtime!


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