Thursday, December 16, 2004

My brain is FRIED from my last minute frantic putting together of grad school apps so that I can mail them off by the deadline that I set for myself (almost done! Whew!) and I came across an ethnic origin question in the Personal Data section of the Cambridge application that struck me as being a little odd:

Instructions: Choose one section from A to E, then tick the appropriate box to indicate your background.

A. White
__ White - British
__ White - Irish
__ White - Other white background
B. Mixed
__ White and Black Caribbean
__ White and Black African
__ White and Asian
__ Any other mixed background
C. Asian or Asian British
__ Pakistani
__ Bangladeshi
__ Any other Asian background
__ Indian
D. Black or Black British
__ Caribbean
__ African
__ Other Black background
E. Chinese or Chinese British or other ethnic group
__ Chinese
__ Any other background

So now I'm confused. I don't really fit into any of those categories. C seems to fit the best, but I am not Asian nor am I Asian British. I am Asian American (since they're making a distinction between being Asian FROM Asia and being an Asian born in the UK). I guess that means I might fall under E's second choice, "Any other background." However, this question is also vague. Is this "Any other background" within the ethnically Chinese population or anything that doesn't fit into any of the previously mentioned categories? And aren't Chinese people Asian? Shouldn't they fall under the "Asian" category? Or maybe when they say "C. Asian or Asian British," they really mean South Asian? I don't know nor do I fully understand and I'm leaving that question blank. It's optional anyway.

Oh, and P.S. I just purchased shoes B. They should be on my doorstep when I get home (only 5 days left!!).


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