Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Part I: Apocalypse Now

The gods of natural disasters seem to be having a field day with Japan. There were 10 major typhoons that hit Japan this year, the latest of which killed about 70 people (check out the second photo) and yet another one brewing down south, ready to make its way here (impending doom?). Last weekend, two large earthquakes shook Niigata-ken (6.8 and 6.0) and the death count is now over 30. Of course there were the two quakes near Mie-ken a couple of months ago and the 8-point-something doosie that hit Hokkaido earlier this year. As if things didn't look bad enough already, my students have to worry about their midterm grades. Luckily for me, I was in Korea during the typhoon from hell, Mie-ken is too far from Niigata-ken to have suffered any ill-effects from the quakes, and I am not bound to the world of exams and grades. Yet... Which brings me to:

Part II: Back To Square One

I have decided to jump back into the whirlwind of applications, transcripts, letters of recommendation, and head-splitting stress with hopes that they will result in that precious "Congratulations, Ms. Lee" acceptance letter. It's been difficult for me to muster up enough motivation to get going, especially because my brain's been more or less on vacation for the last 17 months. I'm setting a goal for mid-December send-off. There, I have now pushed some of my responsiblity onto you and you should all feel obligated to (forcibly if you must) remind me of that deadline, especially since you all probably now about my procrastinatory tendencies. And with that, I bring you:

Part III: Will I Ever Learn To Do Things Ahead of Time?

The likely answer: NO. Kim and I were recently talking about this. Can we ever change our behavioral quirks? It's possible in some cases, but I feel that procrastinating is deeply rooted in the dark recesses of my brain and there is no cure. I remember the very first time I ever procrastinated knowing full well that I would pay for it later. Let's flashback to me in the 7th grade at Arroyo Seco Jr. High. For homework, I was supposed to finish coloring and labeling a map for Mr. Moore's world history class but I decided I could do it during lunch the next day instead. Yes, it was a tight squeeze, but I mangaged it with no repercussions and discovered the glorious world "do tomorrow what you can do today!" On an unrelated note, I now move onto:

Part IV: The Aftermath of My Brush with Death

My finger no longer throbs and as you can tell by this hideously long blog entry (and long over-due responses to various emails! Check your inboxes!), I have regained most of my typing capabilities. My nail is now completely black and blood has oozed into the areas surrounding the nail as well. I will spare you the gory photo. Unless, of course, you really want to see it!

Just Finished: J.K. Rowling - Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Currently Playing: my headache


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