Sunday, August 15, 2004

Piece of shit blogger deleted my entry and stupid Windows ME crashed before I could save the text file I made of that very same entry. Grrr.... because I'm too lazy to type that all out again, here's the watered-down version.

I can see how it's dangerous for JETs to go home for a visit after having lived in Japan for a long time. If I had actually gone home home, I probably would have found it difficult to come back. I hadn't realized just how much stuff about America I actually missed. I'd forgotten how nice it was to be surrounded by familiarity. Hopefully, I stuffed myself full of enough Mexican food, Burger King, kalbi, and Cheetos to last me until my next trip home. Fingers crossed.

On a more positive note, Oahu was gorgeous. Our condo was on the 15th floor of a 16-story building no more than 20 yards from the waterline of a beautiful white sand beach. A beautiful PRIVATE white sand beach. Jealous yet?

Long story short, the week went by waaaaay too quickly and I'm back. Back to sipping my green tea, squatting over Japanese-style toilets, and making-do with the Mexican restaurant in Yokkaichi that once served me a tortilla-less enchilada. My memories of paper towels in every bathroom, lazing about on a deserted beach, and finding my size in every article of clothing that I wanted (thank you, American Eagle Outfitters!) will have to suffice

P.S. Pictures will be uploaded once I get internet in my apartment. Promise.

Currently reading: J.K. Rowling - Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Currently playing: Less than Jake - The Ghosts of You and Me


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