Sunday, June 06, 2004

I had visions of writing a great blog entry. I was ready to dump onto you, my faithful reader, the crap that was accumulating in my brain. I was going to pour my soul into this entry. I had every intention of letting my guard down, of wrenching my heart out of its safe place under my sternum and into the open for all to see. My poor bleeding heart.

But alas, I really don't have anything that significant to report. Hence the once-a-week blogging habit I seemed to have picked up recently. So instead, I'll talk about how much I dislike shopping for clothes in Japan.

I need a bathing suit. SOON. So I decided to bite the bullet and try to find a bathing suit in Japan. "Try" being the operative word in that last sentence. I went into 4 different stores and they all only carried one size of bathing suit. ONE size. This is in a country that sells different sizes of hats, for crying out loud. How on earth is it possible to carry only one-size-fits-us-but-not-you bathing suits? Man, I was pissed.

It's like trying to buy underwear in this country. Believe it or not, most stores only carry a Japanese size medium in panties (Japanese medium = western xsmall/small). Some stores will carry a Japanese large. However, finding the elusive large doesn't necessarly mean that my problems are over. Japanese mediums come in a variety of cute designs. Lace, bikini-cut, low-rise, thong--name it, they've got it. Japanese larges come in only one design: above the belly-button granny pants. I might as well wear boxer briefs; they'd be just as flattering.

Forgive me if my ass is 3 to 5cm larger in circumference than the average Japanese ass (for those of you who are metrically challenged, that's about 1 - 2 inches, which is the difference in measurements between a medium and a large). I guess I'll have to wait until I get back to the States to find underwear or a bathing suit that'll fit my very average-sized body.


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