Saturday, May 08, 2004


1) Snoopy
2) Astro Boy (aka Atom)
3) Pinocchio
4) Moomin (what the hell's a Moomin??)

And what miserable weather we're suffereing here in Kuwana-shi, Japan. Nix my plans to go grocery shopping due to the fact that my nice umbrella is in the trunk of some random Japanese guy's car and that I'm a Californian and I just don't know what to do with myself when it rains. What? Water from the sky? The gods are unhappy and I'd better stay indoors.

I never thought that I would miss the weather of California, but I find myself yearning for it now. Four seasons a year was only something I read about in books or saw in movies. No snow in winter, no color-changing leaves in the fall, no April showers or May flowers, and certainly no humid Augusts. I watched Kill Bill Vol. 2 last night. Most of it takes place in what looks like Arizona's Painted Desert and the whole time I couldn't help thinking how incredible the scenery looked. For the first time since I arrived in Japan, I felt a little homesick.

What is it about the desolation and solitude of the desert that appeals to me? I don't really know. While I appreciate mountains and greenery, lakes and rivers, snow and sometimes even rain, I truly love the dry heat of a desert and the salty waters of an ocean. Nothing else can compare.


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