Bored at work (but it's FRIDAY!!!), so I've been doing highly non-constructive activities that will keep me from falling asleep at my desk. I play this little warm-up games with my students where I give them a long-ish word and they have to create as many smaller words as they can using the letters present in the long word.
Right now, I'm using R E S T A U R A N T. I'm up to 61 words. Here's what I have. Help me out if you can.
a, an, ant, ants, at, aunt, aunts, aura, auras, ear, ears, net, nets, nut, nuts, nutter, nutters, ran, rant, rants, rat, rats, rent, rents, rest, run, runs, runt, ruse, rut, ruts, sat, set, sets, star, stare, start, strata, strut, stun, stunt, tan, tans, tar, taunt, taunts, taut, tear, tears, ten, tens, tent, tents, test, tsar, turn, turns, turret, turrets, urn, urns
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