Fun little psychological analysis using the standard over-used symbols. No really, this kind of stuff is always fun, though! Just try it out! Describe each of the following four points using three words. Don't tell me what your favorite animal, color, etc is, just describe them. Post it all here and I'll let you know in a couple of days what each of the four points represents.
1) Describe your favorite color.
2) Describe your favorite animal.
3) You are walking towards a body of water (ANY body of water. The first one that pops into your mind). Describe how you feel.
4) You are in a well-lit room and the lights unexpectedly turn off. What do you feel at the moment the lights flick off?
My answers:
1) deep, intense, warm
2) cold, small, slimy
3) peaceful, exhilarated, refreshed
4) panic, fear, confusion
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