Thursday, November 20, 2003

British-isms: Part III*

chuffed - (adj) to be pleased with something. (Example: I was quite chuffed when you said you could join us! Translation: I was really happy when you said you could come along!)
keen - (adj) to want to do something, to be interested in something. (Example: If you're keen, we should go to Nagoya. Translation: If you want, we should go to Nagoya.)
scunnered - (adj) totally and completely fed up with something.
tube - (noun) a jerk, "wanker." (Example: What a tube! Translation: Such a jerk!)
manky - (noun) yucky, old, gooey, gross. (Example: a manky tshirt. Translation: a nasty old tshirt)
skint - (adj) has no money. (Example: I'm skint this week. Translation: I am so broke this week.)
arse - (noun) ass. (Example: arse-hole. Translation: asshole.)
slapper - (noun) slut.
slag - (noun) slut.
muppet - (noun) stupid person. (Example: You're such a muppet! Translation: You're such a dip-shit!)
to get off with someone - (verb) to kiss someone.
winge - (verb) to complain, whine.
fringe - (noun) bangs. like for your hair.
prang - (noun) car accident.
pins - (noun) legs. (Example: She's got great pins!)
kegs - (noun) pants. Can mean both the British "pants" (underwear) or the American version of "pants." (Example: "I have plaid kegs" can mean "I have plaid underwear" OR "I have plaid pants/trousers.")
chemist - (noun) pharmacy.
sunnies - (noun) sunglasses.
full stop - (noun) period. like the punctuation mark. Seriously, the British say "I put a full stop at the end of the sentence" instead of "I put a period at the end of the sentence." Also, you can use it to give the sense of finality, just like how we use the word "period." For example, "I am absolutely NOT going. Period." In the UK: "I am absolutely NOT going. Full stop."

*For British-isms: Part II, see Tues. Sept. 16. For British-isms: Part I, see Wed. Aug. 20.


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