Sunday, November 30, 2003

Ah, the funny things that my students write in their essays...

This is miso soup.
It is delicious.
Many people get eaten in Japan.

What is this?
It is made of fish and rice.
It is very famous in Japan.
Ms. Lee may have been eaten in Japan.

I want to become a massive teacher with confidence.

I want to be a doctor.
First, I want to help people.
Second, I want to change the future of Japan.
Many people are dying of terrible diseases in Japan because I want to be a doctor.

I want to be John Lennon in the future.

I want to be a pilot.
I like the sky.
I like to be high.
I like to be high in the sky.

So, if I'm not getting eaten in Japan (by Godzilla?), meeting massive teachers, dying of terrible diseases, or sitting in an airplane with a doped up pilot, I am teaching students whose English is good enough to get their point across, but not quite good enough to not be really funny. It keeps me going when I have to read 500 essays about someone wanting to become a nursery school teacher or a policeman.


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