Thursday, September 11, 2003

Eric: English does have a subjunctive. It's not an actual tense into which you can conjugate a verb; it's more of a situational thing. I think there are only two situations where a verb would be considered to be in subjuctive form. I don't remember one of them, but the other is when one would say something like "If I were an elephant, I would never forget anything." The "were" is in subjuctive tense. That's all I remember.

Don: Your explanation would only work with students from the U.S. There are no proms in Japan.

Another week finally draws to a close. I only teach maybe 3 classes a day but that coupled with the biking in the intense heat of Japan is enough to make me tired. I had planned on spending this entire weekend cleaning and decorating my bare-walled apartment and catching up on much needed sleep, I am being dragged to Toba (in Southeastern Mie) for a JET-hosted beach party on Saturday, Ueno on Sunday (for ANOTHER festival. I was just in Ueno three weekends ago and there was a festival then, too!), and Osaka again on Monday. I think I'll have to skip out the last day or two. I'm up for a BBQ on the beach, but the thought of spending hours on the train to spend only one day in either Ueno or Osaka seems like a waste of time. I want to give both cities a fair chance and more than 5 hours each.

I realize now just how much of a homebody I am. I like going out and I like traveling and I like teaching a lot. I like being around people; I consider myself to be pretty social and gregarious most of the time. However, I also enjoy "me" time. I need at least one entire day in the week to myself where I sit on my ass and do nothing in particular. And especially because I haven't really fully settled down in my apartment, I want some time to make my apartment into my own personal space rather than just some place I sleep at night. It worked out OK for the first month or so, because I still felt like I was on vacation here, but now that I've started working, I'm finally starting to feel as though I LIVE here.

But yeah, enough complaining. I really don't have any major complaints. During one of my classes today, one of my students asked me "Do you like Japan?" And I can honestly say, "yes, I do. I like it very much."

Have a nice weekend, everyone, and take care!


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