British-isms: Part II
pissed (adj) - drunk. (Example: I was so pissed last night. Translation: I was so drunk last night.)
tank top (noun) - vest.
vest (noun) - tank top.
ming (noun) - crap, shit, dirt. All around disgusting things. More commonly used in adjective form...
minging (adj) - really gross, disgusting. (Example: What a minging shirt he's got on. Translation: What a hideous shirt he's got on.)
trollop (noun) - a complete and utter moron. Refers to females.
pillock (noun) - a complete and utter moron. Refers to males.
pull (verb) - to kiss. (Example: Johnny pulled Mary. Translation: Johnny kissed Mary.)
snog (verb) - to kiss. (Can be a noun as well, altough the verb usage appears to be more common.)
bonnie (adj) - pretty, attractive. (Example from Pirates of the Carribbean. Johnny Depp says to Orlando Bloom: And then you can go save your bonnie lass. Translation: And then we can go rescue your pretty girl(friend).)
I swear there are more, I just can't think of them right now. Here are some words that I use that British people find funny or something:
out in the boonies
that is way cool/awesome/etc.
totally (ie: This is so totally cool or something like that.)
that's so messed up
call my cell (they say "ring me" or "call my mobile")
restroom (they say "loo" or "toilet." Or in some cases, "I need to take a wee." weirdos)
what a loser
it's all good
like, like, umm, like y'know...
Again, there are others, but I forgot them. Maybe I'll remember them later.... whatever. I'm outie...
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