Tuesday, July 01, 2003

I got into a little tiff with my brother's friend who was driving in the middle of the road near my house. I nearly had to pull over in order to not get in his way. If there were any cars parked on the side of the street, I would have hit them.

my brother's friend: i'm an excellent driver
my brother's friend: now i'm not racist or sexist, but studies have shown that women are worse drivers than men, and it's a well known fact that asians are not the best drivers. of course thats a stereotype, but under every stereotype lies some truth. well guess what? you are a female asian and i am a white male.
heliozoan chan: and then i will be a doctor and when you come crawling to me because some ASIAN FEMALE rammed your car and you are in intensive care, your life will be in my hands.


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