Thursday, June 12, 2003
I have been at home for a week and a half. So what have I been doing with all of my time, you may ask? I'm actually not too clear on that myself. Well, some days were filled by the obligatory "going to the homes of close relatives (grandparents mostly) so that they harrass me about my future plans and if I'm going to go and be a nice doctor now." Other than that, I've been doing a LOT of unpacking and cleaning and throwing away of old junk. It's amazing just how much crap one person can amass in four years; it frightens me sometimes. That, and I haven't given my room a good cleaning out since before high school, I think. I am the world's biggest pack rat and if my house were to be buried in a giant avalanche, 2000 years from now, some archaelogist would have a field day sorting through my shit. Some interesting finds:
--Valentine's Day cards from 2nd? 3rd? grade
--Six sealed Betamax tapes. I kid you not. We still have a Beta player somewhere...
--Sand in a ziplock baggie (from my family's trip to the Grand Canyon in '94, I think)
--Movie ticket stub for "Space Jam" dated 11.23.96. Cost of the ticket: $3.75. Ahhhh, the good old days.
--5 1/2 inch floppy disk. The ones that are big, black and actually floppy. We still have a working computer that has a 5 1/4 floppy disk drive. I wonder what's on this disk?
Other than cleaning, I've watched way too many movies in the last few days:
Akira (disturbing and confusing)
American Psycho (also disturbing and confusing, but I liked it)
Animatrix DVD (very cool. everyone, go watch it)
Blue Crush (I know, I know... well, I LIKED it)
Bruce Almighty (better than I thought it was going to be)
Equlibrium (GOOD GOOD GOOD! if I could recommed only one of these movies to you, it would be this one!)
Finding Nemo (very cute! Pixar outdoes itself each time)
Minority Report (I thought I had the ending all figured out, but I didn't)
The Ring (seriously people, it wasn't THAT scary)
The Simpsons Second Season (yeah, the whole thing. I know, I need to get a life)
OK, back to unpacking and cleaning for me. I swear, by the time I'm done here, I'm just going to have to pack it all up again to go to Japan.
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