So much has gone on in the last week that I don't even know where to start. First of all, for those of you who don't know, I GRADUATED!!
So, now I'm officially an alumna of UC Berkeley, BA in Molecular and Cell Biology with an emphasis in Genetics. And I also FINISHED MY THESIS! I didn't think that day would every come, but it has been approved and turned in and that entitles me to get a nifty little "honors" on my transcript and an equally nifty little seal on my diploma. So I guess this qualifies me to go out to into the world and become an accomplished scientist. But that can wait. As for the immediate future, I need a break from RNA and northern blots, suppression genetics, hybrid dysgenesis, and the like. But if you, the gentle reader, want to learn more about "The Effects of Supercoiling on the Transcription Rates of Escherishia coli Supercoiling Sensitive Genes," let me know and I'll email you a copy of my theis! =P
I'm feeling really uninspired right now.... I'll have to leave the sentimental garbly gook for a later day. Right now, my horrendously messy apartment, unpacked boxes, unwashed laundry, and gnawing hunger are preventing me from producing anything meaningful. Stay tuned...
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