Monday, May 19, 2003
It feels like it's been a long time since my last post. But it's actually only been like 5 days or something like that. See? Blogs are only good for procrastinating. When I have lots of time, I don't post as often. And when is it that I decide to write an entry? When I have to study for my final, pack my stuff (my parents are coming this Friday), prepare to present my year's worth of MCB research to my professor and the rest of my lab all within in the next two or three days. Ahhh, the things we busy ourselves with when we really have no time to waste.
Yesterday, I went to the Psych and English graduations to see Kalyan (my PSP bro) and Audra (my roomie from way back when in Foothill): the first two ceremonies of this commencement season that I attended. My commencement ceremony is this Friday. Which got me thinking: what DID I learn in my four years here?
1) A $4 La Burrita burrito can be considered its own food group.
2) I can now buy $180 worth of textbooks for ONE CLASS and not blink an eye.
3) Buy one get one free sales at Safeway are so cool.
4) Chips, salsa, and dessert can be substituted for "dinner"
5) I've become too lazy even for email.
6) Unless I want to get a PhD in molecular biology, my degree is pretty much useless (and I don't even get a B.S.!!! grrr.... stupid B.A.)
7) Working in a lab is not as glamorous as I previously thought.
8) As much as I like going out and doing fun things, it is equally fun to just sit on my ass at home.
9) Moving back home after I graduate is a perfectly acceptable career choice.
10) I'm not all that special. I just counted and over 500 people will be graduating from Berkeley with a degree in MCB this year.
But despite all of this, meeting all of you has made my stay in Berkeley worthwhile. You know who you are. Shout outs to my Dessert Night girls, to Party Crew, to everyone I ever lived with (Kim, my 7B53 suitemates), to my PSP bros!! I expect all of you guys to keep in contact with me while I'm in Japan! I promise to get better at the email thing! =P
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