Tuesday, April 29, 2003

So, what does Eva do while I'm at work? That's a good question. While I'm slaving away running gels and what not, I just assumed that Eva was just writing her thesis, doing homework, maybe even going to class. You know, nothing too out of the ordinary. I know that when she gets bored, she tends to take up hobbies: her Procrastination Station, the makeover page, stuff like that. I thought I had her all figured out. But little did I know.....

I came home early from lab today only to discover that Eva has taken pornographic photos of squirrels getting frisky on our balcony! Here is the conversation:

Grace: You did WHAT??
Eva: I saw some squirrels mating on the balcony. I thought that maybe you'd want to see some pictures....
Grace: What made you think that I would want to see pictures of squirrel getting it on?
Eva: I thought it was so cute! It looked like they were dancing!
Grace: Dancing?
Eva: Yeah! And they were making all these noises. I wasn't taking those pictures to be raunchy.
Grace: They were just really cute, right?
Eva: And you HAVE to see the video I took of them....

Cute..... riiiiiiiight... But when I saw the pics, I nearly fell out of my chair laughing. I must say, they were quite entertaining.

And now I know you're all curious. You sick, sick bastards. So here they are. To satiate that gnawing curiosity I'm sure you all have right now....
Squirrel Porn 1
Squirrel Porn 2
Squirrel Porn 3

To see Eva's filming debut (before they feature it at the next Sundance Film Festival), you'll just have to contact me and I'll show it to you!


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